Saturday, October 30, 2010


Image Shootlite: Zombies. As I said before at this previous post, I learned some things about zombies while at Zombie Fest 2010, one of the local events which kicked off the Halloween season here in Pittsburgh. Here's more of some of the things I've learned!

Mutant zombies like to wave.
The arm really did wave back and forth.
Zombies play video games. (Or is this a zombie frat stunt?)
Zombies swim in the ocean.
Zombies like novelties and gag items.
The zombie outbreak has reached the North Pole.
And Hugh Hefner's mansion.
TV artist Bob Ross is a zombie.
Look! He's painted a masterpiece!
Zombies can be either girls or boils.
Girl zombies use nail polish, and can't do a thing with their hands until it's dry.
Zombies are messy eaters.
Zombies enter brain-eating contests.
Zombies sometimes need comforting.
Some zombies have no fashion sense.
Some zombie girls learn the importance of basic black, and of matching accessories for achieving a classic look.
Zombies will share their food.
Zombies like piggyback-rides.
Zombies like shoulder rides too, and pats on the back.
And pats on the front.Zombies suffer accidents at the workplace.
Zombie guitarists suffer "ax"cidents.
Zombies can't read. (Note the upside-down program.) But they do like wearing movie quotes as ironic slogans. (Maybe this zombie was told the t-shirt's words read "Will work for BRAINS!!!!")
Zombies kick ass. Just look at this zombie gal. I REALLY thought she rocked it.
Zombies aren't all dangerous loners. Some zombies value family ties.
Okay, so this zombie is a dangerous loner. Seems the only company he keeps is with spiders!
Some "zombies" aren't zombies, only zombie wannabes:
I think the guy on the left, above, is just a guy who got into a fight.

Some zombies are neo-steampunk, neo-Goth, or fetishy.

Zombie men marry up:
Sometimes zombies bring their unattached friends to events.
I like zombies.

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